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SPECIAL REPORT: The College Fix’s biggest stories of 2014

Every day The College Fix reports on the extreme leftist bias that has hijacked higher education across America and put social progressive causes and beliefs above academics.

Unfortunately, there’s never a shortage of examples.

As 2014 draws to a close, we’ve compiled a summary highlighting some of our most popular stories of the past year. Nearly all of the articles shared below were penned by college students whom we are proud to call College Fix reporters.

By far our most viewed and shared story of 2014 told the tale of one Tal Fortgang, a white, 20-year-old Princeton University freshman who was tired of being told to “check his privilege,” took on the white privilege mantra, and rocked a nation with his prose.

“Meet the Poster Child for White Privilege, Then Have Your Mind Blown” struck a nerve and started a national conversation. Shared nearly 100,000 times just on our site alone, and read byTalSilder1 millions, the opinion column encapsulated the frustration felt by so many Americans who are tired of being judged by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.

“There is a phrase that floats around college campuses, Princeton being no exception, that threatens to strike down opinions without regard for their merits, but rather solely on the basis of the person that voiced them,” Fortgang began. “‘Check your privilege,’ the saying goes, and I have been reprimanded by it several times this year. The phrase, handed down by my moral superiors, descends recklessly, like an Obama-sanctioned drone, and aims laser-like at my pinkish-peach complexion, my maleness, and the nerve I displayed in offering an opinion rooted in a personal Weltanschauung.”

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Here’s another College Fix story that rocked this nation: That being the news that more college students support post-birth abortion, a.k.a infanticide.

The claim came by way of pro-life crusaders who – day in and day out – show up at college campuses and fight for the rights of the unborn. They didn’t have some scientific survey or reams of data. What they had was their experiences serving on the front lines of these campuses, where they talk to and engage students on a daily basis and can speak with authority on campus trends relating to abortion beliefs.

What they’ve found is shocking: Anecdotal evidence by leaders of prolife groups such as Created Equal and Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust said in interviews that not only do they see more college students willing to say they support post-birth abortion, but some students even suggest children up to 4 or 5-years-old can also be killed, because they are not yet “self aware.”

Shared on social media nearly 50,000 times, the story serves as a canary in a coal mine, a red flag warning about the growing moral decay and disregard for the value of human life among young Americans.

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Speaking of abortion, another story that captivated the nation occurred in March, when a feminist studies professor at UC Santa Barbara came across a graphic anti-abortion display on campus and went absolutely berserk.

Mireille Miller-Young led a small mob of students to chant “take down the sign” before grabbing one of the signs, storming off with it with the help of two students, then engaging in an altercation with a 16-year-old prolife protester who had followed the educator to retrieve it, fisticuffs that left scratches on the young girl’s arms and the professor facing criminal battery charges.


Students and university officials quickly came to the professor’s defense. In August, Miller-Young avoided jail time, with a judge instead sentencing her to community service and anger-management classes. The family of the injured teenage girl has since filed a civil lawsuit against the scholar.

That’s not the only campus-related injury the College Fix reported on this year.

Another firestorm of controversy erupted after a Muslim student at the University of Michigan who holds conservative and libertarian beliefs, Omar Mahmood, was viciously attacked with vandalism left on his apartment door that called him a “dick” and “scum,” told him to “shut the f*ck up,” and included an image of the devil as well as eggs and hot dogs.

Security camera footage obtained by The College Fix showed a group of females were the ones who maliciously vandalized his home. VideoSlider

Mahmood was targeted for the attack because he dared mock the left’s victimhood mentality in a satire piece that was ultimately dubbed “hostile” and got him fired from his post as a writer for the mainstream campus newspaper the Michigan Daily. The Daily defended its decision, saying Mahmood “mocked the experiences of fellow Daily contributors and minority communities on campus.”

Mahmood ended up sharing his story as a guest on Fox News with Greta Van Susteren.

Here’s additional 2014 College Fix stories that received national attention and created a stir:

Tell us what you really think: Professor warned Ted Cruz teabaggers to leave class or go home in a body bag.

Alice Gilbert can vividly recall her first day of class last fall in a black studies course called “The Obama Phenomenon” offered by Professor Otis Madison at UC Santa Barbara.

That’s because before his introductory lecture was over, the scholar “warned Ted Cruz-supporting ‘teabaggers’ to get the hell out of his classroom before he sent them home to their mother in a body bag,” Gilbert said in an interview with The College Fix.


Speaking of professors who squelch dialogue and debate: Student told he can’t openly disagree with gay marriage in class at Jesuit college.

The teacher declared that “everyone agrees on” gay marriage, so “there is no need to discuss it,” unlike other modern issues such as immigration, civil rights and the death penalty, the student told The College Fix in an interview.


Ay Caramba! All-you-can-eat taco bars deemed offensive, face extinction

Fraternities and sororities across the nation that host Mexican-themed fundraisers have been accused of racism and cultural appropriation, and the long-beloved Taco Tuesday tradition is becoming verboten on college campuses …

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Hypocrite alert: Law professor who specializes in poverty makes $205,400 – teaching one class

UNC law professor’s holdings include $1.5M in real estate, and meanwhile he chastises Republicans for their “unforgivable war on poor people.”


MUprotestsignMinority students segregate whites: Organizers of a recent Ferguson protest at the University of Missouri requested “only people of color” take part in the event’s “die-in.” Meanwhile, some professors canceled classes so students could spend their time protesting.

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A world-class education? The nation was shocked to learn America’s best and brightest were set to host and attend … a workshop on anal sex?! 

Yep. This past fall, Harvard students learned all about “anal anatomy and the potential for pleasure for all genders; how to talk about it with a partner; basic preparation and hygiene; lubes, anal toys, and safer sex; anal penetration for beginners, and much more.”

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Whoever controls the language controls the debate: A new word-discouragement campaign at Duke University labeled phrases such as “Man Up,” “That’s So Gay,” and “Don’t Be a Pussy” offensive language that “delegitimizes” homosexuality and oppresses and insults people.

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Kinky Sex 101: Negotiating successful threesomes – exactly what you send your kids to college to learn, right?

The University of New Mexico launched its first-ever “Sex Week” observance in September with a controversial agenda that included workshops such as “How to be a Gentleman and Still Get Laid,” “Negotiating Successful Threesomes,” “O-Face Oral” and “BJs and Beyond” – seminars that prompted concern from some conservative students on campus.vulvapuppet

After The College Fix reported on the issue, prompting national attention by the Drudge Report and Fox News, the campus apologized for its Sex Week’s graphic nature.

Say WHAT?! In this age of “yes means yes” sexual consent, we bring you this gem: Examples of abuse listed on the University of Michigan’s domestic violence awareness website say “sexual violence” includes “withholding sex and affection” and “discounting the partner’s feelings regarding sex.”

But wait, there’s more.

Examples of what’s considered to be “verbal or psychological abuse” can include: “insulting the partner; ignoring the partner’s feelings; withholding approval as a form of punishment; yelling at the partner; labeling the partner with terms like ‘crazy,’ ‘stupid.’”

Basically, men are screwed.

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More 2014 highlights:

College Exhibits Nude Photos of Women, for ‘Empowerment’

Professor Fired For Calling Global Warming ‘Unproved Science’

Colleges give students academic credit for pushing socialist causes on campus

University of Chicago students plan field trip to kinky sex dungeon

Vandalism on Ivy League campus attacks conservative as ‘racist rape apologist’

University of Georgia students take field trip to Planned Parenthood, sex shop

Sexual-assault activists yelled obscenities as us, SDSU frat president says

Physics professor tells students scientific evidence points to a ‘designer

Racially charged hacking incident was just a hoax to push diversity agenda

SPJ students hurl insults at Jewish peers, protest their Israel display (VIDEO)

University publishes how-to guide on getting abortions

College launches group for white students to combat their white privilege

Hate crime exposed as a hoax: Student hung ‘white’ and ‘colored’ signs to ‘make a point’

Miss a day, miss a lot.

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Thanks, and Happy New Year.

Jennifer Kabbany is editor of The College Fix. (@JenniferKabbany)

IMAGES, from top: Helga Kvam, Flickr; Tal Fortgang, for The College Fix; courtesy photos/Internet screenshots

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About the Author
Fix Editor
Jennifer Kabbany is editor-in-chief of The College Fix.