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Stanford’s second annual Sex Week features ‘Best Sex Ever,’ ‘Nymphomania’

This past week was Stanford University’s second annual Sex Week hosted by the school’s Sexual Health Peer Resource Center (SHPRC).

“The big thing with Sex Week is it’s such a loaded topic, obviously, on campuses,” Laetitia Walendom, co-director and general manager of SHPRC said. “We want to do it justice.”

You can judge if “justice” was done: Events included a talk by Sex Week’s Laci Green called “Best Sex Ever,” and a screening of the film “Nymphomania.” Not to mention, on Tuesday there was the … class titled “Oral Sex 101” led by Sandra “Sex Nerd” Daughtery.

Daugherty says she has just two rules about sex — “that the sex is safe, sane and consensual, and two, to not ‘put anything in your butt unless it has a flared base.’”

She also “gave tips on how to perform oral sex.”

The Stanford Daily reports:

“We don’t have the resources or the manpower to do a month, and even that wouldn’t cover sex,” said MaryJo Lopez ’15, co-director and financial officer of SHPRC. “You have to pick very selective topics, and you want to include as many people in that umbrella as possible.”

Lopez added that while inclusivity is important, the students organizing Sex Week didn’t want to run the risk of being too broad, either.

“You don’t want to do only very general, primary-level stuff. You want to go deep into certain things, too,” Lopez said. “So that further complicates the events you have.”

By attending Daugherty’s event and others like it, SHPRC’s Sex Week coordinator Elisabeth Dee ’17 said she hopes that students feel more empowered.

“You come to these conversations maybe with misconceptions…you have all of these different conversations that you immerse yourself in,” Dee said, about Sex Week. “Whether you are currently sexually active or planning to be sexually active at some point in your life […] you need to be educated about these things so that you can be safe and happy and healthy and feel empowered about your body and your sexual choices.”

Wait a second, Ms. Lopez — “manpower?” Do you have any idea how gender exclusive and sexist that term is?

Sandra “Sex Nerd” Daugherty was elated at her invitation to speak at Sex Week: “I was like ‘Hell, yeah!’ I actually wanted to go to Stanford. That was one of my top colleges when I was a kid. And so the idea of teaching a blowjob class at Stanford was like, ‘I have arrived!’”

Read the full article.

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Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.