Young America’s Foundation crunched the numbers and the results are … not shocking, but disappointing nonetheless.
Among the top 100 universities as ranked by U.S. News and World Report, liberal commencement speakers outnumber conservatives 6 to 1 this year, the foundation reported Monday.
It gets worse.
“Among the top 50 universities, the ratio increases to nine liberals for every one conservative,” the group reports. “Among the top ten universities – there were zero conservatives and nine liberal speakers.”
“Higher education preaches inclusion and diversity, while largely excluding conservative leaders from campuses,” stated Ron Robinson, president of Young America’s Foundation. “This is exactly why Young America’s Foundation has the largest conservative campus speaker series in the country—because our speakers will likely be the only conservatives students hear from in college.”
The foundation determined speakers’ ideology by looking at their public FEC records, public statements, and service in elected or appointed office.
The group focused on speakers for undergraduate ceremonies.
“Not one conservative official currently serving in office was scheduled to speak,” the foundation points out. “Current liberal officials—including Vice President Joe Biden, Governor Terry McAuliffe, Senator Michael Bennet, Congressman John Lewis, and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti—all received invitations to share their ideas. Among the top 100 universities, only one conservative public policy official, President George W. Bush, was scheduled to speak.”
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