There’s never a dull moment reporting on higher education, and 2023 was no exception.
In no particular order, here are the top 10 most outrageous stories The College Fix published this year:
Universities greet students with ‘Queering Menstruation,’ ‘Anal 101’ events
Nothing says “Welcome to college, kids” like a good old fashioned anal sex workshop. But that’s how things roll in today’s higher education world. Annual “Sex Week” observances, popularized over a decade ago by elite universities, have since become the norm on dozens of college campuses each year. As The College Fix reported at the start of the fall 2023 semester, at some schools this year’s freshmen were met with events such as “Queering Menstruation,” “Anal 101″ and a “C*nty Hunt.”
Masturbating protester interrupts black conservatives’ event at UW-Madison
Instead of the typical shout down-styled protest so often found on college campuses today, a few protesters got creative at the University of Wisconsin Madison earlier this year. A panel event featuring some of most prominent black conservatives in the nation was interrupted when vulgar protesters piped into its Zoom livestream and spewed cuss words before one man exposed himself masturbating. But the center-right scholars took it in stride, with one of them quick with a quip, telling the protester to relax and have a drink and a cigar.
Academics insist infants, toddlers can be trans
Headlines from The College Fix this year included “Faculty union: UArizona nursing students should ask 3-year-olds about ‘gender identity,’” as well as “Harvard med class focuses on LGBTQIA+ ‘infants’ and older.” It’s clear the academics believe — and are pushing on med school students — the concept that young children can be transgender, and the troubling trend shows no end in sight.
‘Too rock heavy,’ too ableist, too white: Geoscience students identify concerns in field
Imagine being a geologist who never leaves the office. That’s what today’s social justice warriors seem to want thanks to a new trend that argues the field is too ableist. But wait, there’s more. Geology field camps are also accused of being racist, sexist, role-playing exercises driven by toxic masculinity and centered around reliving Manifest Destiny, “subjugating the native populations,” and the “conquest of the west by the white man.” That’s quite the list.
Professor seeks males for testicle removal study
The headline speaks for itself on this one, folks.
UNLV law school apologizes for using word ‘picnic,’ changes it to ‘Lunch by the Lake’
The war against the word “picnic” gained more steam this year after the UNLV law school apologized for using the word because it allegedly, supposedly, somehow is linked to lynchings. Keen-eyed College Fix readers might recall that in 2020 the University of Michigan’s IT department also listed “picnic” as an offensive word. If picnic is problematic, nothing is safe anymore. Banned words on campus in 2023 also include “crippled,” “white paper,” “black sheep” and “dark web.”
Princeton students host musical titled ‘To All the Babies I’ve Killed Before’
The progressive left celebrates abortion, and nowhere was that more clear than a feminist musical put on at Princeton University this year focused on abortion and “self-empowerment.”
Fauxcahontas: White female scholars keep pretending to be Native American
More over Rachel Dolezal. At least five white women, and men as well, have claimed Native American ancestry to advance their academic careers. Odd that white privilege is so powerful professors flock to identify as scholars of color.
Students list ‘Apache attack helicopter’ as gender on ‘engineering culture’ survey
This is an outrageous headline, but in a good way. Some students wrote that their gender was “Apache attack helicopter” in response to a progressive survey about “engineering culture.” Other responses included a “V-22 Osprey” and a “F-16 fighter jet.” Some answers also appeared to express frustration with the survey, such as “homophobic biggot, yes we exist,” “Cis gender lizard king,” and “F*cking white male.” Troll level: master.
Princeton lecture highlights ‘erotic relations between Blackness, soil, and Dead (matter)’
In case you thought higher education couldn’t get any weirder, we’re here to prove you wrong. An event at Princeton University this year explored how “dirt eating, associated with blackness, is objectifying and possibly dangerous, but also could be spiritual, erotic, or a way to resist capitalism and slavery.”
MORE: The College Fix’s Top 10 most outrageous stories of the 2022-23 school year
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