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‘Tough’ anti-free speech activists intimidate diminutive female radio host at UW-Madison

When conservative pundit Ben Shapiro arrived at University of Wisconsin-Madison on Wednesday to give “a speech about free speech,” Wisconsin talk radio host Vicki McKenna was on-hand to cover those protesting the event.

The inevitable confrontation is a perfect illustration of modern leftism on American campuses.

As chronicled by EAGNews.org, McKenna was soon approached by several demonstrators who thought suppressing just Shapiro’s free speech rights wasn’t enough.

“Back off, buddy,” McKenna says a to large (black) demonstrator who walks right up into her face.

“You back off, you’re recording me so I’m recording you,” the man replies. Then he begins yammering about McKenna’s “white supremacy” while shoving his (phone) camera in her face.

Then a “Mr. Lip Ring” — later identified as Cody Fearing who apparently uses the pronoun “they” — comes in and attempts to play, sort of,  peacemaker:

“Let’s leave this room now. Let’s leave this room, both of you,” Fearing says.

“She has just as much of a right to be here as you do,” a person with McKenna responds.

“Absolutely,” Fearing says.

“You disrupted an event tonight, how do you feel about that?” McKenna asks.

“It needed to happen,” Fearing responds. “Let’s leave this room.”

“How did it feel?” McKenna repeats.

Fearing utters possibly the … “best” line of the whole ordeal when the radio host asks why she doesn’t have a right to be there, but he, er, they and their crew can disrupt Shapiro’s speech: “The presence of this event on this campus is violent.”


A police officer then stepped between McKenna and a growing group of social justice protestors who surrounded her.

“Let’s talk over here,” the officer said.

“Why am I getting shoved away?” she persisted. “I don’t want to talk to you, I want to talk to that man over there.”

“We have to make sure everything is civil,” the officer said as he continued to move her away from the area.

McKenna turned to the camera.

“This is an absolutely amazing thing. … I’m the one person being shoved out of the way here by the police department, and I’m 5’3” and you can tell that I’m scared of that man right there, and you’re shoving me away.”

“I’m scared of you, white supremacist. I’m scared of you,” the large black man shouted over the officers, who stood between McKenna and the protestors and prevented her from continuing her interview.

Numerous black students waived their middle fingers at McKenna over their shoulders.

“Your whiteness scares me,” the black man continued.

“Get this recorded,” McKenna said. “My whiteness scares you?”

“Because she has institutional systemic power. Because you have historically oppressed my people. Because you have the colonial force at your expense,” the black man yelled back, still recording.

“That’s why I’m scared of your white ass,” he said. “And to be honest, I’m not scared.”

He’s scared … but he’s not scared. OK, makes sense. About as much as Shapiro’s mere presence on campus being “violent.”

On her Twitter feed McKenna links to a comment made by Fearing on Shapiro’s Facebook page where he admits the goal was to shut down the event.

The Young America’s Foundation put up a video of the same Shapiro protesters shouting “Fuck white supremacy!” … with children nearby:


McKenna tweeted that the university “patted itself on the back” for “empowering the agitators” via this statement.

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About the Author
Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.