This post has been updated. See below.
Students protesting against GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump at an Iowa State tailgate Saturday ended up being challenged by a few counter-protesters.
And apparently it wasn’t pretty.
One protester, Jovani Rubio, was holding up a poster which read “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.”
Shelby Mueller, 20, soon came up to him and ripped the poster in half, the Iowa State Daily reports.
You can see and hear Mueller on video discussing with her friends what to do just prior to her confronting Rubio, which includes her saying “voting for white supremacy.”
From the Iowa State Daily article:
Rubio was protesting against Trump’s comments on undocumented immigrants, saying it was personal because he and his siblings are “anchor babies” born in America while his mother was an undocumented immigrant.
Other attendees can be heard cheering after the poster is ripped.
After Rubio taped the poster back together, he said a middle-aged woman wrote on the poster with a marker, telling Rubio afterward that her writing meant “I love Donald Trump.”
Rubio said, though his poster was ripped, he did not want to retaliate.
“I knew if I were to react the way she wanted me to, I would only prove them right,” Rubio said. “If she rips it in half, I’m going to put it back together and put it up.”
Rubio said the supporters of Trump and the other visiting politicians also had questions for the protestors, such as do they pay taxes, were they born in America and can they speak?
In the video, Mueller, who’s not an ISU student, appears to treat the whole thing as a joke.
Rubio is part of the group Students Against Bigotry which “organized to protest Trump and advocate for politically correct speech.”
Another student, Maria Alcivar, says a lot of what Trump has said during his campaign has “offended her and qualified as hate speech.”
UPDATE: Mueller has issued an apology.
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