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University investigates professor who accidentally sent class link to graphic porn

The Inside Higher Ed headline pretty much sums it up: “Check Before You Hit Send.” Who among us hasn’t sent an email and then felt the pit of dread inside their stomachs at realizing … oops!?

Scott Jaschik reports:

Drexel University is investigating a law professor who thought she was sending her class a link to an article on writing legal briefs, but who actually sent a link to a pornography site’s video of a woman using anal beads. …

The website Above the Law first reported on what is being called “Beadgate” at the law school, and reproduced the message sent by Lisa McElroy to her students. …

“Let’s stop bead-ing around the bush — sorry, I couldn’t help myself — and look at this from a practical perspective,” wrote David Lat in his analysis of the controversy. “Professor McElroy didn’t intend to ‘harass’ anyone. She intended to send out a link to some resource about legal writing, as you can tell from the intro line of her… posting, but accidentally sent along the wrong link.”

Lat said the professor either was hacked, which he notes is possible, or she made a mistake when she pasted in the wrong link. “Here at Above the Law, we spend a ridiculous amount of our workday copying and pasting – so when I read about this tale, I thought to myself, ‘There but for the grace of God go I.'”

Read the Inside Higher Ed report / Read the Above the Law report

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Fix Editor
Jennifer Kabbany is editor-in-chief of The College Fix.