High school and college administrators may not eat flesh or amble as awkwardly as zombies, but a new video from the Student Press Law Center says the goal of some officials – censorship of student media – “eats brains.”
The video features zombies carrying mangled newspapers and breaking into a school newsroom, with students barricaded inside, to rip up more. It promotes the group’s Cure Hazelwood page.
The Supreme Court’s Hazelwood ruling in 1988 diverted its path from the better-known Tinker ruling from 1969, which gave broad free-expression rights to students. Hazelwood said that schools could censor student media “so long as their actions are reasonably related to legitimate pedagogical concerns.”
Cure Hazelwood describes that ruling as an infection that “can strike anywhere” and infect anyone:
Symptoms include an inability to speak freely. In some cases, victims are paralyzed by intimidation.
Hazelwood started with high school kids, but it hasn’t stopped there. Once a school is infected, it goes viral.
That includes colleges in more than a dozen states, “and college students in several dozen other states are still at risk,” with only California and Illinois protecting college students “definitively” from the ruling.
The website tells students to investigate their school and district’s policies around free speech and press their state lawmakers for student speech protections, which are allowed under Hazelwood.
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IMAGE: SPLC YouTube screenshot
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