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VIDEO: Professor’s parody turns Bieber’s ‘Love Yourself’ into ‘Learn Excel’ — and he nails it!

UT Austin business lecturer Clint Tuttle has found a way to make learning Excel — yes, Excel — sound fun.

Every year he writes and sings a tune for the final lecture in his information technology class that parodies a famous song and encourages students to learn the notoriously difficult Excel. Last year, he took on “Uptown Funk,” and this year for his “Last Day Lecture Fun” he turned Justin Bieber’s “Love Yourself” into “Learn Excel.” Frankly, he nailed it with solid musical chops and lines such as:

Cause if you want to get the skills you need
Oh, baby, you should go and learn Excel
And if you think I lie, just ask your boss
They’ll tell ya ‘you should go and learn Excel’

Check it out:

H/T: Total Frat Move

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Fix Editor
Jennifer Kabbany is editor-in-chief of The College Fix.