An unidentified black female Villanova University student has declined to pursue charges against several white men who — allegedly — knocked her over while yelling “Trump, Trump, Trump!” back on November 10.
According to Philly.com, the victim said her “head and face hit the concrete of a SEPTA tunnel at the Villanova train station” as a result of the attack. One of her friends said the victim “suffered nausea, vomiting and dizziness afterward.”
The assailants “disappeared into the darkness” after the incident, the victim told her friend.
Villanova President Peter M. Donohue had responded that “[t]his type of behavior is not acceptable and will not be tolerated” at the school.
The victim cites “personal reasons” for her decision to drop the matter:
“The victim in this case has informed Radnor police that at this time she does not wish to pursue this matter any further,” Lt. Andy Block said. “We’re going to keep a case file on it. If she changes her mind, we’ll absolutely investigate it.”
The university, however, is continuing its investigation, spokesman Jonathan Gust said.
“As with any investigation, if the university finds an individual or individuals were responsible for wrongdoing, we would hold them accountable at the university level,” Gust said. …
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Block said police believe that the men were running through the tunnel yelling “Trump” and that the woman got knocked down, but police don’t know whether it was intentional or what the motive was. Police have not spoken with the men who were involved, he said. They were awaiting information from the university, he said. …
“[The victim]’s very appreciative of everything that Radnor police did,” he said.
That will change, however, if authorities end up determining she made the whole thing up.
A week ago, over 750 “packed” a conference room at Villanova for a “post-election Community Conversation,” and one of the items of concern was this alleged assault.
Read the full Philly.com articles.
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