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Yale student: ‘Almost every professor I’ve had bashes on conservative ideas and politicians’

The Yale Daily News has published a lengthy feature article that delves into the notion that the Ivy League institution is controlled by liberals, and that conservative voices there are largely rejected and scorned.

The article – headlined “The Right to be Heard?” – raised the recent example of a conservative student at Yale who was bullied online by her peers. She was told to stay away from the campus after she described the university as liberal on Fox News, and prior to that had been called a “bigot” in a crowded hallway for wearing Republican apparel.

The article also cited the fact that in 2014, the Choose Life At Yale student group was denied campus support from a student-run service organization. The reason was because the pro-life campus group had worked with a crisis pregnancy center, and the feminist students in control of the coffers accused such centers of providing damaging and harmful information to women.

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In the Daily News feature, new examples have emerged. Yale senior Helder Toste told campus reporters: “Almost every professor I’ve had bashes on conservative ideas and politicians.”

Toste also delved into a specific example:

In his “Issues Approach to Biology” class, Toste said, his professor spent an entire class mocking creationists. Uncomfortable with this, Toste filed a complaint with his residential college dean, which made its way to the Biology Department. In future iterations of the same class, Toste said those specific slides about creationists were removed. He added that this example was indicative of his general experience of liberal professors mocking conservative ideas.

In Toste’s case, Yale administrators and faculty consciously accommodated his conservative views. But no matter what the University or anyone else does, those views will remain underrepresented on campus for the foreseeable future.

Toste’s experience illustrates there are ways to fight back. Moreover, the article points out that the pro-life group that had been rejected for funding, Choose Life At Yale, continues to operate on campus and host pro-life events despite the rejection. Furthermore, the article touts the thriving  William F. Buckley Jr. Program on campus, which hosts conservative and libertarian scholars to speak on campus.

Nevertheless, conservative and right-of-center students should not have to swim upstream just to present another side, nor should it be their job.

Consider what they are up against: flip the pages of the Yale Daily News and read a report on how “employees of the university make up the fourth-largest donor group to the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.”

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Fix Editor
Jennifer Kabbany is editor-in-chief of The College Fix.